Raspberry Pi 3 使用Ansible安裝過程
以下是在Raspberry Pi 3 執行「ansible-playbook moodlebox.yml」安裝的過程,整個過程大約為38分鐘
allen-mba:moodlebox allen$ ansible-playbook moodlebox.yml
PLAY [playbook to get SSH public key into root account] ************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [include_vars] ************************************************************
TASK [install SSH public key to root user] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
PLAY [playbook to provision most of the MoodleBox] *****************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [include_vars] ************************************************************
TASK [bootstrap : reduce memory split down to 16Mb, as we are on a headless system] ***
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : enable shutdown/startup hardware button] *********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : turn off screen blanking] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : write version file] ******************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : update motd] *************************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : copy ascii logo file] ****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : copy script to display ascii logo] ***************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [bootstrap : reboot machine] ***********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [bootstrap : wait for machine to come back] ********************
ok: [moodlebox -> localhost]
TASK [bootstrap : update apt cache and upgrade] ********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : install rpi-update] ******************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : update firmware] *********************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : reboot machine] **********************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : wait for machine to come back] *******************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : change hostname] *********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : change /etc/hosts] *******************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : change username in several files] ****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/etc/passwd)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/etc/group)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/etc/shadow)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/etc/gshadow)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service)
TASK [bootstrap : create sudoers file] *****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : delete old sudoers file] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : check presence of '/home/pi' directory] **********************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : move user home directory] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : simlink to old directory] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : change user password] ****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : update .bashrc file (1)] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : update .bashrc file (2)] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : set timezone] ************************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : update tzdata] ***********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : add locales] *************************************************
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=en_GB.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=fr_FR.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=de_DE.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=es_ES.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=it_IT.UTF-8)
TASK [bootstrap : generate locales] ********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : deploy default locale] ***************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [bootstrap : set wifi country] ********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [bootstrap : restart networking] *******************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : configure MariaDB root password before installing] *************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=mysql-server/root_password)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=mysql-server/root_password_again)
TASK [install : configure phpMyAdmin password before installing] ***************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-pass)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=phpmyadmin/mysql/app-pass)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=phpmyadmin/app-password-confirm)
TASK [install : configure phpMyAdmin reconfigure before installing] ************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : configure phpMyAdmin dbconfig before installing] ***************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : install MariaDB with custom configuration] *********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : install python-mysqldb] ****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : add 'moodlebox' MariaDB user with all privileges] **************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : update MariaDB settings] ***************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : restart MariaDB database] **************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : uninstall useless packages] ************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : install packages] **********************************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'iptables-persistent', u'hostapd', u'dnsmasq', u'git', u'ntfs-3g', u'exfat-fuse', u'lockfile-progs', u'incron', u'nginx', u'php7.0-fpm', u'php7.0-cli', u'php7.0-xmlrpc', u'php7.0-curl', u'php7.0-gd', u'php7.0-intl', u'php7.0-soap', u'php7.0-mysql', u'php-apcu'])
TASK [install : install phpMyAdmin package] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : copy usbmount deb package] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : install usbmount deb package] **********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : remove usbmount deb package] ***********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : add script to resize partition on first boot] ******************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : enable ntfs format mounting by usbmount] ***********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [install : add root to allowed incron users] ******************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [install : restart incron] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : configure dhcpcd] **********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : update access point configuration file] ************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : update access point settings] **********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : update dnsmasq configuration] **********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : update dnsmasq service file] ***********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : set IP forwarding on in /proc and in the sysctl file and reload if necessary] ***
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : add iptables nat rules] ****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : add iptables filter rules] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : configure zeroconf service] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [network : configure nginx] ***********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [bootstrap : restart networking] *******************************
changed: [moodlebox]
RUNNING HANDLER [network : restart web services] *******************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=nginx)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=php7.0-fpm)
TASK [moodle : format release date using locales] ******************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=en_GB.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=fr_FR.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=de_DE.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=es_ES.UTF-8)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=it_IT.UTF-8)
TASK [moodle : set vars with formatted dates] **********************************
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'en_GB.UTF-8', {'_ansible_parsed': True, 'stderr_lines': [], u'cmd': u"LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'end': u'2018-03-08 08:21:07.766520', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'2 March 2018', '_ansible_item_result': True, u'changed': True, 'item': u'en_GB.UTF-8', u'delta': u'0:00:00.009888', u'stderr': u'', u'rc': 0, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'warn': True, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u"LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'removes': None, u'creates': None, u'chdir': None, u'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [u'2 March 2018'], u'start': u'2018-03-08 08:21:07.756632', '_ansible_ignore_errors': None, 'failed': False}])
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'fr_FR.UTF-8', {'_ansible_parsed': True, 'stderr_lines': [], u'cmd': u"LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'end': u'2018-03-08 08:21:08.698109', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'2 mars 2018', '_ansible_item_result': True, u'changed': True, 'item': u'fr_FR.UTF-8', u'delta': u'0:00:00.029396', u'stderr': u'', u'rc': 0, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'warn': True, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u"LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'removes': None, u'creates': None, u'chdir': None, u'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [u'2 mars 2018'], u'start': u'2018-03-08 08:21:08.668713', '_ansible_ignore_errors': None, 'failed': False}])
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'de_DE.UTF-8', {'_ansible_parsed': True, 'stderr_lines': [], u'cmd': u"LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'end': u'2018-03-08 08:21:09.607984', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'2 M\xe4rz 2018', '_ansible_item_result': True, u'changed': True, 'item': u'de_DE.UTF-8', u'delta': u'0:00:00.026133', u'stderr': u'', u'rc': 0, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'warn': True, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u"LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'removes': None, u'creates': None, u'chdir': None, u'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [u'2 M\xe4rz 2018'], u'start': u'2018-03-08 08:21:09.581851', '_ansible_ignore_errors': None, 'failed': False}])
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'es_ES.UTF-8', {'_ansible_parsed': True, 'stderr_lines': [], u'cmd': u"LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'end': u'2018-03-08 08:21:10.522595', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'2 marzo 2018', '_ansible_item_result': True, u'changed': True, 'item': u'es_ES.UTF-8', u'delta': u'0:00:00.023990', u'stderr': u'', u'rc': 0, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'warn': True, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u"LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'removes': None, u'creates': None, u'chdir': None, u'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [u'2 marzo 2018'], u'start': u'2018-03-08 08:21:10.498605', '_ansible_ignore_errors': None, 'failed': False}])
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'it_IT.UTF-8', {'_ansible_parsed': True, 'stderr_lines': [], u'cmd': u"LC_ALL=it_IT.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'end': u'2018-03-08 08:21:11.497505', '_ansible_no_log': False, u'stdout': u'2 marzo 2018', '_ansible_item_result': True, u'changed': True, 'item': u'it_IT.UTF-8', u'delta': u'0:00:00.019880', u'stderr': u'', u'rc': 0, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'warn': True, u'executable': None, u'_uses_shell': True, u'_raw_params': u"LC_ALL=it_IT.UTF-8 date --date=2018-03-02 '+%-d %B %Y'", u'removes': None, u'creates': None, u'chdir': None, u'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': [u'2 marzo 2018'], u'start': u'2018-03-08 08:21:11.477625', '_ansible_ignore_errors': None, 'failed': False}])
TASK [moodle : set summary string with formatted dates] ************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : check if database for Moodle exists] ****************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : drop database for Moodle] ***************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : remove RAM disks] ***********************************************
ok: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/cache/moodle', u'size': u'64M'})
ok: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/www/moodledata/temp', u'size': u'64M'})
ok: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/www/moodledata/sessions', u'size': u'16M'})
TASK [moodle : remove previous Moodle installation] ****************************
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodledata)
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodle)
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/cache/moodle)
ok: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/cache/moodle-cache-backup)
TASK [moodle : check if any incron job exist] **********************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : remove incron jobs] *********************************************
skipping: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : create database for Moodle] *************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : get Moodle from git repository] *********************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : create Moodle data and cache directories with adequate permissions] ***
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodle)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodledata/repository)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodledata/temp)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/www/moodledata/backup)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/cache/moodle)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=/var/cache/moodle-cache-backup)
TASK [moodle : set sticky bit for moodledata directory] ************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : create file repository directory] *******************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : link directories] ***********************************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'src': u'/home/moodlebox/files', u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/repository/files'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'src': u'/media/usb', u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/repository/usb'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'src': u'/usr/share/phpmyadmin', u'path': u'/var/www/moodle/phpmyadmin'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'src': u'/var/www/moodledata/backup', u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/temp/backup'})
TASK [moodle : configure RAM disks for Moodle cache] ***************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/cache/moodle', u'size': u'64M'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/www/moodledata/temp', u'size': u'64M'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'/var/www/moodledata/sessions', u'size': u'16M'})
TASK [moodle : install Moodle via CLI] *****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : change Moodle config file owner and group] **********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : write extra parameters to the Moodle config file] ***************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'xsendfile', u'value': u"'X-Accel-Redirect'"})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'name': u'xsendfilealiases', u'value': u"array ('/dataroot/' => $CFG->dataroot)"})
TASK [moodle : clone MoodleBox plugin from git repository] *********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : get latest MoodleBox plugin tag name] ***************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : pull latest released MoodleBox plugin version] ******************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : touch files for MoodleBox plugin functionality] *****************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=.reboot-server)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=.shutdown-server)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=.set-server-datetime)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=.newpassword)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=.wifisettings)
TASK [moodle : change MoodleBox plugin file permissions] ***********************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : install MoodleBox plugin via CLI] *******************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : get MathJax library from git repository] ************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : change MathJax library file permissions] ************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : compile scss for all Moodle themes] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : configure timely cron] ******************************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'job': u'nice -n 10 ionice -c2 /usr/bin/php /var/www/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php', u'name': u'Launch Moodle tasks', u'minute': u'*'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'job': u'rsync -a --delete /var/cache/moodle/ /var/cache/moodle-cache-backup/', u'name': u'Backup cache', u'minute': u'*/20'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'job': u'touch /var/www/moodledata/backup/moodlebox.mbz', u'name': u'Prevent backup dir deletion', u'minute': u'*/15'})
TASK [moodle : configure special time cron] ************************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'job': u'cp -Rpf /var/cache/moodle-cache-backup/* /var/cache/moodle/', u'special_time': u'reboot', u'name': u'Restore cache'})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'job': u'ln -s /var/www/moodledata/backup /var/www/moodledata/temp/backup', u'special_time': u'reboot', u'name': u'Restore temp directory link'})
TASK [moodle : configure incron] ***********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [moodle : configure cron mailto variable to suppress warnings in log] *****
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove packages used only during the build] ********************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=[u'python-mysqldb', u'rpi-update'])
TASK [cleanup : clean Moodle database log tables] ******************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=mdl_logstore_standard_log)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=mdl_config_log)
changed: [moodlebox] => (item=mdl_upgrade_log)
TASK [cleanup : remove useless packages from cache and no longer required dependencies] ***
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : stop DHCP server] **********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : cleanup DHCP leases] *******************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : cleanup dirs and files] ****************************************
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
included: /Users/allen/github/moodlebox/roles/cleanup/tasks/cleandirfile.yml for moodlebox
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494613.5974088, u'inode': 260761, u'isgid': False, u'size': 276737, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 33, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/cache/core_component.php', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520494612.8974116, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520494613.5974088, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0666', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494458.4880564, u'inode': 383448, u'isgid': True, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 33, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/cache/cachestore_file', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494458.4880564, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494458.4880564, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'2777', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494458.4380565, u'inode': 259955, u'isgid': True, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 33, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/localcache/theme', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494400.4582872, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494458.4380565, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'2777', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494353.7684665, u'inode': 259168, u'isgid': True, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 33, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/localcache/htmlpurifier', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494353.7684665, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494353.7684665, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'2777', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494353.9284658, u'inode': 259950, u'isgid': True, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 33, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/localcache/mustache', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494353.9284658, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494353.9284658, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'2777', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494183.029053, u'inode': 60404, u'isgid': False, u'size': 60, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/temp/typo3temp', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494183.029053, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494183.029053, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 35, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0777', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': True, u'mtime': 1520494005.279465, u'inode': 60393, u'isgid': False, u'size': 40, u'wgrp': True, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': True, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 2, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/www/moodledata/temp/filestorage', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494005.279465, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494005.279465, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': True, u'dev': 35, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0777', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520428463.0, u'inode': 19377, u'isgid': False, u'size': 105797, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.raspberrypi.org_debian_dists_stretch_ui_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520428463.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492770.31, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520428463.0, u'inode': 19374, u'isgid': False, u'size': 25295, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.raspberrypi.org_debian_dists_stretch_InRelease', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520428463.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492837.6740193, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520310814.0, u'inode': 19381, u'isgid': False, u'size': 232230, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_stretch_contrib_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520310814.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492770.31, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520310815.0, u'inode': 19382, u'isgid': False, u'size': 433158, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_stretch_non-free_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520310815.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492770.31, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520310768.0, u'inode': 19378, u'isgid': False, u'size': 61478037, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_stretch_main_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520310768.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492770.3, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520310898.0, u'inode': 18866, u'isgid': False, u'size': 14951, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_stretch_InRelease', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520310898.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492838.0240781, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1511887075.0, u'inode': 37729, u'isgid': False, u'size': 2704, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_stretch_rpi_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1511923020.438383, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1511923000.234458, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1511918289.966046, u'inode': 37724, u'isgid': False, u'size': 0, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/lock', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1511922999.6264603, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1511922999.6264603, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0640', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520428463.0, u'inode': 19364, u'isgid': False, u'size': 563631, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.raspberrypi.org_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-armhf_Packages', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520428463.0, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520492770.31, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 104, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520492836.0337327, u'inode': 37250, u'isgid': False, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 2, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/var/lib/apt/lists/partial', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1511923023.3383725, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520492836.0337327, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0700', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520493627.3401532, u'inode': 37079, u'isgid': False, u'size': 2482947, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/cache/debconf/templates.dat', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520493627.2401538, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520493627.4701524, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520493621.550185, u'inode': 37502, u'isgid': False, u'size': 45484, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/cache/debconf/config.dat-old', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520493621.550185, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520493627.2301538, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520493627.2101538, u'inode': 37601, u'isgid': False, u'size': 48558, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/cache/debconf/config.dat', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520493627.2101538, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520493627.2301538, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520493622.8701777, u'inode': 37559, u'isgid': False, u'size': 2483259, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': True, u'path': u'/var/cache/debconf/templates.dat-old', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520493622.7701783, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520493627.4701524, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': True, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0644', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520493627.2301538, u'inode': 37076, u'isgid': False, u'size': 1612, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': True, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 1, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat', u'xusr': False, u'atime': 1520493627.2301538, u'isdir': False, u'ctime': 1520493627.2401538, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0600', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
ok: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520494926.0760434, u'inode': 127814, u'isgid': False, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 2, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/tmp/ansible_Y0Rlci', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520494926.0760434, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520494926.0760434, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0700', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520492742.61, u'inode': 126475, u'isgid': False, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/tmp/systemd-private-f6f9259a5c3a43cbb1dc0219a8ec0218-systemd-timesyncd.service-PVHrqU', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520492742.61, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520492742.61, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0700', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1511923025.78, u'inode': 18878, u'isgid': False, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/var/tmp/systemd-private-6f20433ab161479080878854eb250652-systemd-timesyncd.service-a8uJyV', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1511923025.77, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1511923025.78, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0700', u'rusr': True})
changed: [moodlebox] => (item={u'uid': 0, u'woth': False, u'mtime': 1520492742.61, u'inode': 126477, u'isgid': False, u'size': 4096, u'wgrp': False, u'isuid': False, u'isreg': False, u'gid': 0, u'ischr': False, u'wusr': True, u'xoth': False, u'islnk': False, u'nlink': 3, u'issock': False, u'rgrp': False, u'path': u'/var/tmp/systemd-private-f6f9259a5c3a43cbb1dc0219a8ec0218-systemd-timesyncd.service-GdZpEE', u'xusr': True, u'atime': 1520492742.61, u'isdir': True, u'ctime': 1520492742.61, u'isblk': False, u'xgrp': False, u'dev': 45826, u'roth': False, u'isfifo': False, u'mode': u'0700', u'rusr': True})
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : set_fact] ******************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : find files] ****************************************************
ok: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : remove temp directories and files] *****************************
TASK [cleanup : empty log files] ***********************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : reboot machine] ************************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
TASK [cleanup : wait for machine to come back] *********************************
ok: [moodlebox -> localhost]
TASK [cleanup : remove ssh public keys] ****************************************
changed: [moodlebox]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
moodlebox : ok=149 changed=94 unreachable=0 failed=0
allen-mba:moodlebox allen$
Last updated