allen-mba:mm2 allen$ ionic serve
Running 'serve:before' gulp task before serve
[02:57:31] Starting 'build'...
[02:57:31] Starting 'sass-build'...
[02:57:31] Starting 'lang'...
[02:57:31] Starting 'watch'...
[02:57:38] Finished 'watch' after 7.24 s
[02:57:47] Finished 'sass-build' after 16 s
[02:57:47] Starting 'sass'...
[02:57:48] Finished 'lang' after 16 s
[02:57:51] Finished 'sass' after 4.28 s
[02:57:53] Finished 'build' after 22 s
[02:57:53] Starting 'config'...
[02:57:53] Finished 'config' after 30 ms
[02:57:53] Starting 'default'...
[02:57:53] Finished 'default' after 6.17 μs
[02:57:53] Starting 'serve:before'...
[02:57:53] Finished 'serve:before' after 4 μs
Running live reload server:
Watching: www/**/*.html, www/build/**/*, www/index.html, !www/lib/**/*
√ Running dev server:
Ionic server commands, enter:
restart or r to restart the client app from the root
goto or g and a url to have the app navigate to the given url
consolelogs or c to enable/disable console log output
serverlogs or s to enable/disable server log output
quit or q to shutdown the server and exit
ionic $